West End Brewery Enterprise Agreement

  • 2 years ago
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  • Author: keith

The West End Brewery Enterprise Agreement Explained

The West End Brewery, located in Adelaide, South Australia, is a beer brewing company owned by Lion Nathan National Foods. The company is known for its iconic beer brands such as West End Draught, which has been a favorite among Adelaideans for over 150 years. However, the brewery`s operations have not been without controversy, particularly with regards to its enterprise agreement.

An enterprise agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for employees covered by the agreement. It is a collective agreement between an employer and its employees, negotiated through a process of collective bargaining. In the case of the West End Brewery, the enterprise agreement has been a source of tension between the company and its workers.

The current enterprise agreement for West End Brewery employees was signed in 2015, after months of negotiations between the company and the union representing its workers. The agreement covers around 343 employees and outlines their wages, working conditions, and entitlements. However, the agreement has been criticized by some workers and their representatives for not adequately addressing their concerns.

One of the main criticisms of the agreement is that it contains provisions that allow the company to vary shift arrangements, including start and finish times, with only seven days` notice. This has been viewed by some as a breach of workers` rights to a reasonable and predictable work schedule. The agreement also includes provisions that allow the company to hire casual and temporary staff, which some workers feel undermines job security for permanent employees.

Another contentious issue is the pay rates outlined in the agreement. While the pay rates are generally in line with industry standards, some workers feel that they are not reflective of the brewery`s profitability. The current agreement also contains a clause that allows the company to reduce pay rates for new employees, which has been criticized as unfair and potentially harmful to morale.

Despite these criticisms, the West End Brewery enterprise agreement remains in effect until 2021. Negotiations for a new agreement are expected to commence in the coming months, with workers and their representatives hoping to address some of the concerns raised during the previous negotiation process. As the brewery remains an important employer in South Australia, the outcome of these negotiations will be closely watched by workers, industry representatives, and the wider public.

In conclusion, the West End Brewery enterprise agreement has been a topic of controversy and debate between the company and its employees. While the current agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for brewery workers, its provisions have been criticized as inadequate by some workers and their representatives. The outcome of negotiations for a new agreement will be closely watched, as it will have implications for the brewery`s employees, the wider industry, and the state of the South Australian economy more broadly.