China-Us Phase-One Economic and Trade Agreement

  • 3 years ago
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  • Author: keith

The world`s two largest economies, China and the United States, have finally signed a phase-one economic and trade agreement after months of negotiations. This agreement is seen as a significant milestone in the ongoing trade war between the two nations, which has had far-reaching impacts on the global economy. In this article, we`ll delve deeper into the details of the agreement and what it means for businesses, consumers, and the global economy.

The phase-one agreement, which was signed on January 15, 2020, covers a wide range of issues related to trade and economic cooperation. One of the key elements of the agreement is the commitment by China to purchase additional American goods and services worth at least $200 billion over the next two years. This includes $77.7 billion of manufactured goods, $52.4 billion of energy products, $32 billion of agricultural products, and $37.9 billion of services.

China has also agreed to strengthen its intellectual property protections and enforce measures to combat the theft of trade secrets and piracy. The agreement includes provisions for increased transparency and cooperation in matters related to technology transfer and the protection of American companies` intellectual property rights in China.

Another critical aspect of the deal is the removal of some of the tariffs that have been imposed between the two countries over the past two years. The US has agreed to reduce the tariff rate on some Chinese goods from 15% to 7.5% and to suspend further tariff increases. In return, China has agreed to increase its purchases of American goods and services by $200 billion over the next two years.

While the phase-one agreement is a significant step forward in resolving the trade war, it is not a comprehensive trade deal. Many of the key issues, such as structural reforms to China`s state-owned enterprises, are yet to be addressed. The US has also kept tariffs in place on some $360 billion of Chinese goods, and China has maintained retaliatory tariffs on American products.

The signing of the phase-one agreement has been welcomed by many businesses, particularly those in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors. The agreement provides some certainty and stability for businesses that have been adversely affected by the trade war. However, some experts are skeptical about whether the agreement will be effective in resolving the underlying issues between the two countries.

The phase-one agreement is also likely to have impacts on the global economy. The trade war has caused disruption and uncertainty in global markets, and the signing of the deal could lead to increased stability and confidence. However, some countries, particularly those in Southeast Asia, may see a reduction in demand for their exports as China increases its imports from the US.

In conclusion, the phase-one economic and trade agreement between China and the US is a significant development in the ongoing trade war between the two nations. It provides some stability and certainty for businesses, and its signing is likely to have impacts on the global economy. However, it remains to be seen whether the agreement will be effective in resolving the underlying issues between the two countries or whether further negotiations and agreements will be necessary.